Children's Ministries
We embrace our children as special gifts in the full life of the church, because the children of God’s people belong to Him, and have been formally claimed by Him in the covenant and Sacrament of Holy Baptism. We do our best to help children and their families learn to worship God together. Children are welcome participants throughout all our services. As we understand that making it through a whole services can be difficult for a young family, we provide a nursery for children three and under.
A Sunday School program assists fathers and mothers in their responsibility to bring up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” (see Ephesians 6:4). Sunday School can never replace the godly home, but it can be of great assistance to it. For example, a developed memory program is designed to be rehearsed around the dinner table or family worship each day, helping the family fulfill its responsibility.
Service is also central to developing in Christ: helping on Work Days and putting together care packages for Shut-In members teaches them that they are both part of one family and that worshiping God grows into helping each other. Children have an important work in learning to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbor as themselves.
We encourage our youth to think of themselves as members one Body, the Church, not as a separate group of humanity known as “teenagers." Rather, we include them on every level, assisting in the music ministry, singing in choir, helping ushers, learning the arts of Acolytes, Lectors and the Altar Guild, and of course in working with men and women on parish work days or on house-building trips to Mexico. Children learn their way in the faith by acquiring knowledge, in serving others, and in building rich relationships with the elderly, young children, and everyone in between.